
      The differences in the values of my host family and my actual family grow more obvious the more time I spend here, in which I do believe is a reflection of the cultures that we are involved in. Here, they always seem to be poised and relaxed eager to have a conversation while simultaneously having a positive transfer of energy to one another. But in my house if me or anyone else are in a bad mood, we make it known that we are feeling some type of way by broadcasting negative facial expressions and that alone will slightly damper the mood of everyone else's. Relative to the communication topic, they are much more appreciative of a persons presence than the convenience of their cellphones. Their phones are rarely around them, whereas at home our phones never leave our sight. If my phone is dead, Im not thinking put it on the charger leave it there, Im thinking bring the charger downstairs with me and use it while its charging. Which is kind of embarrassing when I think about it. Americans always confirm the good uses of the phone but never acknowledge the possibility of people being addicted to it. Wether it be actually messaging someone, looking at pictures, scrolling through timelines, phones have found a way to consume most of our time. Not here in Espana, I don't even know what my host mom or sons phone looks like. And because of that and how they don't rely on their phones, it made me want to challenge myself. A reason why I decided not to purchase a sim card, not only to see if I could survive without it, but to also become more appreciative of my surroundings. And what was once a test for me is now routine, and thats one of the things I will try to bring back with me and share with others. Which is to be more appreciative of whats in front of you. Might require me to take their phones and hide it but sooner or later they will thank me.


  1. Great post, Andre! I have observed the same regarding cell phones and presence in the moment here vs. in the US. I like your idea of starting a movement with your friends and family back home to put down the phone and notice what is going on around you!!


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